Expedition C., part 2.
What follows is a grim account of the tragic events that occurred last night during the second part of Expedition C. If you are squeamish or are of weak constitution, then please DO NOT READ FURTHER!
Previously on Expedition C:
The passage floor descends swiftly into a 20 by 20 foot room: empty and with only one exit. The group begins to argue in hushed tones about what they should do. Paio: “Go back up?” Barrick: “Who dare attempt the 100 foot climb up an almost sheer wall?” Friguse: “Stay and wait?” Ailsy: “What if the platform failed to reset?” Laki “We could be sitting ducks.” Barric suggests they divide the party. “Some could stay for a possible reset and some could go looking for help or an exit.” “Never divide the party!” the members of the Order of the White Fox shout in unison. After scrutinizing every possible choice, given the group’s limited knowledge, they decide to move forward looking for an alternate way out, Barrick mapping as they go.
Party members who survived Expedition C, part 1:
Name | Race, Sex Class & Level |
Friguse | Human, Female, Magic User 1 |
Wynoncy | Human, Female, Magic User 1 |
Laki | Human, Female Magic User 1 |
Piao | Human, Female Cleric 1 |
Barric | Human, Male Magic User 1 |
Ailsy | Human, Female Fighter 1 |
Level Three:
1. empty room
2. empty room
3. 1 large sack with 3000 sp. 2 giant hogs surprise the party. Friguse is ripped apart and eaten by the hungry monster hogs. The rest of the party flee through the east door. The blood-spattered hogs don’t pursue.
4.-6, empty
7. empty. A wandering spectre enters the room through the north secret door. Neither side is surprised. The party drops all their silver and gold, but the spectre does not take the bait. The monster grabs Wynoncy and absorbs her life force. She expires in it’s cradling arms of doom. The party flees through another secret door; and the spectre does not follow.
8. Gorgon! The Gorgon is surprised, giving the party time to flee through a previously located secret door. But they run smack dab into a wandering wraith! The wraith surprises the Party and scares Laki to death. Barrick, Piao and Ailsy reverse course through the secret door. Luckily, the wraith does not follow.
9. Empty. Party goes through east door.
Wandering monsters coming up the passage from the south: 3 armed hobgoblins 50’ away. Party returns to room 9 and Barrick casts hold portal on the door.
10.-12.. empty
13. Piao falls into a pit trap, breaks her neck and dies. Ailsy climbs down, puts on Piao’s magic armor, and then scrambles up the other side of the pit to continue with Barrick.
14.-15. Empty
16. Empty. A wandering magician named “Chelcilo the Adopted” (MU 6) enters through a secret door and surprises Ailsy & Barrick. Chelcilo casts a sleep enchantment. Barric and Ailsy drop to the floor before they can draw their weapons. Chelcilo contemplates cutting throats but decides against it. It seems that Chelcilo is not as bloodthirsty as the other members of her underworld Coven. Instead, she takes Ailsy’s magic armor, Barric’s spell book, and all their clothes before depositing the two fortunates outside of the dungeon.
Later, Barric & Ailsy wake up shivering in a cold, wet forest. Disgraced, penniless & buck-naked, the two run hand-in-hand all the way back to town.
Back at the Crossed Wands Public House, Barric and Ailsy decide that they have had it with the life of the delver. “Time to leave the walled town of Londolond for good” announces Ailsy. Before leaving, Barrick scribbles out a map and sells it to Gunter the Gnome in exchange for payment of his bar tab, a mule and some food.
Epilogue: Nobody knows exactly what became of Barric and Ailsy after they left town. A reputable traveler said he saw them once, still naked as a pair of blue jays, in the city state of Grand Falloon. Some say that they eloped to spent the rest of their days raising 1d10 children and 3d10 grandchildren.
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