Tinkering with “Battle in the Skies”


I encountered the Moldvay/Cook boxed sets in 1981 at the age of 11. That was my introduction to RPGs.  But When it comes to OD&D, I admit that I am a “Johnny Come Lately.” It’s only been a couple years since I opened the 3LBBs and began to read. Thus, no personal nostalgia on my part for the game as published in 1974. Hell, I was only 4 years old.

In the past 2 years I have come to the realization that Zero Edition is my favorite “flavor”.  I just can’t seem to put it down, heh. 

So I have been experimenting with the “Battle in the Skies” rules tucked away nicely in the 3rd Volume of the D&D White Box. The Scenario: Dragon hunters in a flying ship have spotted an adult red dragon below them off the starboard stern.  They hunters have a dwarf in the party who wields the fabled dwarven war hammer (+3 to hit, double damage and returns to the wielder after being thrown).  Hopefully I can finish the encounter and draft a battle report within a couple of days.
