Dungeon Design Quickly Turned Into Solo Campaign!

 Today I tried an experiment in dungeon design. I grabbed a pad of paper, pen and pencil. I used the three OD&D Whitebox booklets without any supplements. I quickly rolled up a stable of first level characters to use as guinea pigs. I then used a couple of online random generators to assist in “on the fly” dungeon creation. See https://donjon.bin.sh/fantasy/name/  and https://mrjoshbear.net/odd-referee.html .  I used a long forgotten Dungeon Geomorph stashed away on my gaming bookshelf. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dungeon_Geomorphs .  I also grabbed my hard bound copy of Frog God Games “Tome of Adventure Design”. That book is really cool! See https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/97423/Tome-of-Adventure-Design .

Within minutes I was enjoying a solo adventure on the fly while under the influence of some mind expansion music recommended by OD&D legend Tim Kask, specifically https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Music_Inspired_by_Lord_of_the_Rings_(Bo_Hansson_album).  In the course of about an hour the party killed a Hero of Chaos, 2 zombies, 2 berserkers and stole a cache of gold coins from a cowardly Theurgist.  Two of four characters survived. The other two were KIA. One magic-user was slain by the Hero of Chaos.  The elf was taken out by a hostile Werebear.  The survivors plan on returning to the Dungeon, aptly named “The Pits of Indomitable Doom”.  Next time with silver weapons. 
